The B.U.T. GMP aims to train senior technicians and middle managers in the main areas of the mechanical engineering industry, from product design to manufacture, including quality control and maintenance. Graduates will be able to make technical, scientific, economic and human choices within the company. It masters and integrates the imperatives of sustainable development, quality, maintenance, safety and health at work, in all stages of production. Holders of a B.U.T. GMP can apply for positions mainly in the design office (design), the methods office (production optimisation), quality control or the maintenance department.
The sectors of activity requiring skills in mechanics and/or production engineering are very varied:
– mechanics and machine tools
– transport – environment and energy
– nuclear power
– medical
– household appliances
– sports and leisure,
– construction and equipment…
For admission to 1st year BAC général scientifique ou technologique DAEU or equivalent diploma. For admission to the 2nd or 3rd year, you must have a first or 2nd year scientific degree.
Continuous assessment.
The Mechanical and Production Engineering programme recruits general baccalaureate holders with a scientific baccalaureate based on an application, as well as technological baccalaureate holders with an STI2D baccalaureate.