Who we are
The Institut Universitaire de Technologie (IUT) de Béthune is part of the Université d’Artois, training technicians and middle managers who are operational in the field.

Why choose IUT?
At the IUT de Béthune, working conditions are optimized thanks to a human-sized establishment and daily student supervision: continuous assessment, support, tutoring, individual interviews… Teaching is provided by secondary school teachers, research professors and professionals in the field, for a complementary approach.
We train students for jobs that are recruiting, in booming sectors, by opening up professional ambitions thanks to nationally supervised and recognized diplomas. In 2022, the IUT obtained Qualiopi certification and the Label Excellence Travaux Publics.
Our values
- Proximity
- Empathy
- Support
IUT in figures
Professional holidaymakers
Goal graduates

A word from management
For over 50 years, the IUT de Béthune has been a key player in training students to become advanced technicians in science and technology. Now part of the Université d’Artois, our establishment has adapted to the demands of higher education, offering recognized training courses leading to qualifications, as well as to the new realities of employment and the industrial world, whether on a regional, national or international scale.
Our teams are committed to training technicians who can quickly become operational in the workplace, but who also possess solid theoretical and practical knowledge that opens the door to further study. All of this is built around supporting students in their personal and professional projects, which remain at the heart of our priorities. Educational support for our students is a major concern for our school, whose human scale and family atmosphere have been recognized assets for over 50 years.

Cécile Machut
Director, IUT de Béthune
Research at IUT Béthune
The IUT de Béthune has strong links with local and regional industry, and scientific and technological activities are carried out in collaboration with the economic fabric. The IUT is active in technology transfer and research.
Each IUT department offers its own services, based on the human skills and equipment available under a service contract. As each department has its own specific features, we offer a wide range of services.
As far as research is concerned, the IUT de Béthune is one of the key players in research at the Université d’Artois, particularly applied research in conjunction with socio-economic players.With a staff of some fifty lecturers from a wide range of disciplines, scientific activities are carried out in various departments. The majority of ECs work at the Pôle Technologique de Béthune, the IUT or the FSA.
Others carry out their activities at the Pôle Scientifique in Lens. The IUT is home to :
1 research laboratory
The UTA, Unité Transformations & Agroressources, made up of teacher-researchers from the Chemistry Department (UniLaSalle – Université d’Artois joint laboratory), and part of the “Valorisation des Agroressources en Molécules et Matériaux Innovants” team.
2 research teams
Matériaux Bétons & Composites” team, studying the properties and flow of cementitious materials, and “Matériaux Innovants” team, studying the mechanics and production engineering of biomaterials and their integration into medical devices.

IUT de Béthune – Université d’Artois
1230 rue de l’Université,
BP 819 62408 Béthune Cedex